FM Acupuncture offers solutions for a variety of common body pains and ailments. All of our individualized treatments are carefully designed to relieve your symptoms and help you live a happier, more comfortable life. We want all of our clients to walk out of FM Acupuncture feeling calm, relaxed, and refreshed. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.
Acupuncture treatments release endorphins into the body, relieving pain. Needles can be stimulated directly in the muscles to bring blood flow to the area and relax the muscles. Advanced techniques can be applied, also known as dry needling, to release trigger point knots. An acupuncturist has 8 months of advanced needling technique training during their education. Over 70% of patients that seek out acupuncture do so for pain.
Acupuncture releases endorphins and serotonin, giving patients a relaxed feeling. It also improves sleep and overall mood.
Acupuncture helps to relieve tension that causes headaches and migraines. Stress headaches are common among acupuncture patients. When combined with other stress relieving treatments, acupuncture can eliminate stress headaches and migraines.
Acupuncture helps to regulate and manage digestion, whether a patient has diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, or a more advanced or chronic digestive condition. By reduction inflammation and bring balance back to the digestive organs, many digestive conditions can be managed and healed.
Acupuncture helps to balance hormones, which in turn regulates the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture also is widely used in fertility treatments, helping to bring circulation to the uterus and improve egg quality and uterus health. PCOS, endometriosis, and a variety of other women’s health conditions can also be treated using acupuncture.
Acupuncture helps to balance and boost the immune system to prevent disease. Many patients get acupuncture once a month to ensure a healthy immune system. It can also help the body to recover from serious conditions.
Whether you're a marathon runner, a yogi, or a middle school or varsity athlete acupuncture can help enhance performance, prevent injury, and heal injuries getting you back to peak performance faster.
Sprained ankles, shin splints, and sore shoulders are very common conditions treated at the clinic.
I absolutely love working with athletes!
Let's start the healing process!
©2021 fm acupuncture | all rights reserved • BRAND BY EVERMINT DESIGN STUDIO | WEBSITE BY ELIZABETH MCCRAVY